Miscellaneous » Giving » Annual School Appeal

Annual School Appeal

The Annual School Appeal is here and looks different this year. For one, we are not able to kick it off with the traditional appeal weekend in the church highlighting our wonderful students and personally thanking parishioners for their continued support.  In addition, we delayed its start until December to make our plea for financial assistance during this wonderful season of giving. St. Joseph's School - Yorkville is a charitable organization with 501(c)(3) status and we are hoping many will choose our school to support this year. 


The Appeal started with an outreach to our repeat donors and long-time benefactors, which extends from the school community to individual parishioners, and beyond to a group we call Friends of St. Joseph's School - Yorkville. This mailing of 500 packets was sent last week.  Packets were mailed to remote families and sent home with in-person students earlier this week. We know that some families may not be able to participate during this challenging time, but may be able to forward the Appeal letter to a family member or friend that is able to donate, so a digital version will be sent, too.  Please forward to family and friends for many individuals look for charitable causes to make an end-of-year contribution-- and our school is a worthy and wonderful charity.  


In addition to sharing the form with family and friends at this time and through the holidays, please check with your companies to see if they participate in the Matching Gift Program where they would match your contribution 1:1 or more. Additional appeal forms may be found in the school office, on our website or contact Miss Janet at [email protected]. Thank you.


Although we are looking for end-of-the year contributions, the Appeal will remain open in the new year. Once again, Miss Janet is in charge of the School Appeal and I thank her for her dedication to this major fundraiser.  Last year, under her direction, the Appeal raised approximately $85,000 for our school.