St. Joseph's School - Yorkville Home


St. Joseph's School - Yorkville provides a nurturing and challenging learning environment for every child, which empowers them to become life-long learners and prolific members of society.  The demanding academic program instills high expectations for all students and provides them with the opportunity to succeed in both higher education and life-long careers.  In addition to a challenging academic curriculum, the students at St. Joseph's School -  Yorkville are encouraged to fulfill their social and moral obligations to society.  The combination of academics and social awareness ensures the students will be productive, responsible citizens.

Recent News

The Sixteenth Annual Street Fair

The street is scheduled for May 17. We continue to recruit merchandise vendors to participate on the day. [email protected] Please contact Ms. Josephine, if you have anybody in mind. A SignUpGenius will be open shortly and we are hoping to fill all time slots with volunteers. This is a very fun and important part of community building and many volunteers are needed. We thank you in advance for your enthusiasm and commitment to help make this Street Fair the best one yet!

Mabel's Labels and Box Tops

Box Tops: Please check the app for the bonus offer bonanza going on this month! Tons of bonus offers on Pillsbury, Cheerios, Annie, etc.
Mabel's Labels: The Lost and Found has grown with hats and sweaters! Please take advantage of our partnership with Mabel’s Labels. They are the best-known brand of durable labels for families. Go to , search for St Joseph's School Yorkville and shop! Labels are shipped right to you.

Panera Bread Fundraiser

Help us raise some dough for St. Joseph’s School! Dinner plans are set for March 25, between 4:00 – 8:00 PM with Panera Bread on East 87th Street and Third Avenue! Twenty-five percent of all sales will be donated back to the school! Please use the promo code of FUND4U at checkout either in cafe, pickup, or delivery!

2024 – 2025 Yearbook Family Boosters/Ads:

If you would like to say something wonderful to your child, the teachers, or everyone in your child’s class and school, place an ad in our yearbook. All ads will only be accepted electronically. Please see the memo distributed last week for details. Please submit one ad per email. Note that the photo attachment and ad text must be in the same email, and payment (checks made payable to St. Joseph’s School – Yorkville or cash) must be submitted by the following day. The last day to accept entries is Wednesday, March 12. Thank you. If you have questions, please contact Miss Janet at [email protected] .

Annual Gala Raffle Tickets: We are excited to announce that raffle tickets for the Annual Gala are now available for purchase!

Tickets are sold individually for $5.00 or in blocks of six for $20.00. You can conveniently purchase your raffle tickets online at . The prizes for this year’s raffle are: • Beats Studio Pro Headphones with AppleCare+ • Nintendo Switch with Mario Bundle • Beach Bag • SJSY Swag Bag • N.U.T. Card (good for 10 dress-down days) Raffle items and a QR code for easy ticket purchase will be displayed at drop-off on Tuesday, February 25 and Thursday, February 27. Thank you for your support in making this raffle a success for our school.

Save the Date: Join us for the Annual Gala and Auction to benefit the children of St. Joseph’s School!

This year’s event will take place on Saturday, March 1, 2025, at the Bohemian National Hall (321 East 73rd Street, NY, NY), with the theme Catch the Spirit of Mardi Gras! We are excited to offer many fantastic items in both live and silent auctions, including tickets to Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, tickets to sporting events, four front-row seats to various school events, Devil’s game package, Principal for a Day, and much more. We appreciate your generosity and look forward to celebrating together!

Upcoming Events

Our Mission

St. Joseph’s School - Yorkville, founded in 1880, is dedicated to the education of a diverse student body within the framework of Catholic values.  We inspire lifelong learning through our strong academic program, encourage service through the teachings of Jesus Christ, and promote a faith-filled family community.

SJSY Facts

enrichment classes
Top 10% in ELA and in Math in NYS
Serving students in Pre-K 3 through Grade 8
Easily accessible via the 4/5/6/Q trains, M86, M15, M31 buses and school bus
Students from 33 Zip Codes